maanantai 30. tammikuuta 2012

Creative blockades

It is something I have been dealing with all of my life, creative blockade. There is always deep need of expressing and creating but many times there is this "something" which is stopping from even starting. There might be so many reasons for this block and also many things to open up way back to creativity. I am starting to explore from now on these different ways. But I think it is important to point out that in some part in the life there might be times when you just feel empty, in a space of nothingess. Then it is important to free yourself from the pressure of creating something because that space in the life is sacred and it is a place where new thing will be born eventually if enough time and nurturing is provided. This might be time of huge deppression or something else which teaches about the sad and dark side of the life. It is like mothers womb which is empty before there is miracle of creation born.

I am so so so interested about this topic and been delving with it for a long long time. Today which got me started was an amazing inspirational video on TED by Elisabeth Gilbert about nurturing creativity ( I must say thank you for facebook because without it huge amount of important information would go pass without my notice.

Anyway what she is telling that in creativity it is very good to think that you are not alone when doing creative work. She´s been studying the ancient Rome and creek and what they thought about creativity. They had an idea that always when artists are creating something new there is these angel/fairie-like beings helping and giving the inspiration for the work. Creeks called these beings daemons and romans called them genius. Socrates believed that he had a daemon which spoke to him from a far. Romans believed this kind of entity lived around in the walls of artstudio and would come and assist the artist in the work.

The point about this notion is that this is very good psychological construck that protects you from the results of the work since you are not totally responsible of it. In this case you won´t become too narsistic about your work or if the work is not that good it is not totally your fault. Good, eh? This is clearing a lot of pressure the artists has been dealing with for centuries. SO first thing the artists has to do is just to show up and do the work and the rest will follow. And if not it is so important to keep painting, keep dancing or keep writing what ever that might even if the fairies dont show up. And when one day they will you are prepared and done your part. I myself would add to this that it might be vital in the start of the work make always a request or a prayer for these beings or what ever one wants to believe in and in that way create this cooperative and open minded attitude towards the creative process. Also it is about surrender...

Also I watched one more video about creativity on TED and the sentence which strike me was the notion that "it is important to be prepared to be wrong and not be afraid to be wrong. That brings in the originality" Ken Robinson-creativity expert.

So with these amazing new perspectives I bought today three canvases for oilpainting and I decided to start to show up. Rest will follow. Also here in the blog.

Brightest blessings.


perjantai 20. tammikuuta 2012


Here is a world of magic and imagination. I am studying different aspects of activities for accomplishing creativity and healing through arts.

I will be dealing mainly with visual arts, but also dance and movement, sound and other bodily expressions to create art. I am connecting meditation, yoga, healing matras, Vedic-art and expressive art therapy. I am not a professional-yet- but interested and motivated student of all of those.

This blog is a workspace for me to find my way in the world and test different kind of activities which free my spirit, help me to find my wisdom, bring joy, love and creativity in to the world. And to serve others.

I am also open to all kind of cooperation with similar minded beings. Please don´t hesitate to contact me in any matter. ;)


