It is a message channelled by Jen Eramith M.A on february 2011. She is answering the question; Are some objects more sacred than others? ( The important thing is that everything in this world is sacred but the way we use the objects is a road to sacredness. It is possible that everything what we touch can become sacred. Our goals and aims towards objects have an impact. It is important to become more clear and aware about the aims towards things we are connected to. You can use some questions for this to get it more clear; How can I use this object for love? What is enlightening about this object?
So objects take in energy from the way they are being treated. A monk hanging a monastery bell every morning with the goals of sending love and hope to the people charges the bell eventually with those vibrations. So if we are aware we can appreciate those objects more which are activating feelings of love inside of us. The thruth is that there is a huge amount of energy in aims and goals whether they are made consciously or not. We have the capacity to change the energy of one object instantly.
That energy in those atoms is the divine energy and it matters how you use it. There is a way how to understand this sacredness of all things. You can start to have a conversation with some objects you have in your life. Ask them what they desire. It helps to increase telepathy and intuition in yourself. During 5 minutes everyday think as every touch to something being a question to the object. This is one kind of medidation practise.
This led me straight to think about my art and painting process. My goal in painting is to infuse the painting with as much of love and light as possible. And if possible I start the painting process with meditation to clear and concentrate. I might move and dance since the body is always fully with me when I create. This is my physical tool. So my body is cleared to be a channel for light to come in.
How is it with the tools; paintbrush, water and different colours? Well, Eramihts article led me to an idea of blessing and concentrating my tools also. In my past I have been interested in witchcraft, paganism and magick and learned a good basis for my english in my teen years from books I ordered outside the country since they was not available here that time. My imagination is spiced therefore with magick and witches, fairies and goblins. That is where I am naturally drawn to and child in me seriously belives in them.
So as a basis knowledge of rituals and magick I did walk to a forest one day to dedicate and bless my paintbrushes for the work they was going to be doing. I have a special tree in the forest in my childhood home where I dont reside anymore but that day I was visiting. It is a huge and old spruce tree and it was such a pleasure to meet this wise being after some time again. I sitted beneath its trunk for a while relaxing and infusing myself the flavors of nature. Then I started my ritual with hanging each of the paintbrushes with a cotton thread on the branches which were not lower than my own height when Im standing. Then a spoke a short prayer for each paintbrush and asked for purification and initation for this tools to be tools for light and love. Then I left the tools there hanging for over night for them soak in the powers of nature and let the fairies to do their own magick on them. Little child in me was so exited and happy for this. It is a play, a game which no one should not take too seriously.
I believe that all this ritual done on my tools has an effect on my subconscious mind where the inner child also resides. As a connection to the article above the way you treat things has a huge impact. So when I paint it gives me a feeling that the brush is a magickwand and I can create unbelivable things with it. I can make magick. So I think this is a good game also for anyone who doesn't trust one's talents enough and can remind oneself that anything is possible with the "magick wand". Maybe good game for children also.
Have a magical day and have fun!
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